Job Search Graphic


  • Employment Search Log
    The log should reflect 40 hours of job searching per week. Use this form to stay organized in the job search process.
  • Sample Job Application
    Use the Sample Job Application to prepare for the type of information you should know when completing a job application.
  • Ex-Offenders CAREERwise Education Website
    The website hosted by Minnesota State Department of Corrections helps job seekers with felony convictions and other criminal charges with job searching and career planning. It has useful tools and information to help assess goals, create a plan for finding a job, and manging a career.


  • Resume Worksheet
    Worksheet to help you organize and prepare your final resume for submitting to employers.
  • Sample Chronological Resume
    This type of resume usually contains an objective and/or career summary statement and a chronological listing (from most recent to past) of all your employers along with related accomplishments.
  • Sample Functional Resume
    A functional resume focuses on your skills and experience, rather than on your chronological work history. It is typically used by job seekers who are changing careers, who have gaps in their employment history, or whose work history is not directly related to the job.